Rosa Clemente with Robin D.G. Kelley – Disrupt the Chaos
Rosa Clemente with Linda Sarsour – Disrupt the Chaos
Rosa Clemente On Allyship And Confronting Anti-Blackness – NPR’s Latino USA
The killing of George Floyd at the hands of Minneapolis police sparked worldwide protests against racism and police brutality. To many, this moment seems inevitable — and for the Latinx community, it’s bringing up complex conversations on identity, race, and allyship with the Black community. In the first of several conversations we will be having on Latino USA, we’re joined by Afro-Puerto Rican activist, organizer, and scholar Rosa Clemente to understand how we got to this crucial moment. We talk about what useful allyship looks like and where the next generation of Black and Latinx activist leaders go from here. Listen to the episode here.
Will protests in the US lead to a political change? – Aljazeera Inside Story
Rosa Clemente Talks Covid-19 and the Prison Industrial Complex; and the call for a Worker Strike Renegade Culture
Rosa Clemente is imagining a world without prisons and police – KPFA
Demanding Transformation Vs. Reforms in Policing – Rising Up with Sonali

How Sanders Is Building a ‘Big Tent’ To Win Nomination” – Rising Up with Sonali
Puerto Rico: Freedom From Fantasy – Laura Flanders
Real Black News: Rosa Clemente & Liza Jessie Peterson
Under the Blacklight lead by Kimberely Crenshaw – African American Policy Forum
Rosa Clemente Talks Covid-19 and the Prison Industrial Complex; and the call for a Worker Strike – Renegade Culture