Jul 30, 2014 | Afro-Latinx, Media Appearances, Video
Published on Colorlines by Jamila King In case you missed it, hip-hop scholar and activist Rosa Clemente talked at length about Afro-Latin@ identity last month at Cal State Los Angeles. It’s a perspective that’s worth resurfacing given all the recent hoopla about...
Apr 4, 2014 | Audio, Electoral Politics, Workers' Rights, Writing
After Chokwe Lumumba was elected mayor of Jackson, MI on June 4th, 2013, Rosa Clemente sat down to interview the community-organizer, human rights lawyer, and mayor-elect. He reflected on the role of local electoral politics, human rights activism, strategic...
Apr 3, 2014 | Audio, Media Appearances, Women Of Color
On Saturday, March 29th, 2014, Rosa Clemente delivered the keynote lecture to over 2,400 attendees of the 15th annual White Privilege Conference in Madison, WI. Listen, reflect and share your thoughts on Dr. Clemente’s lecture below....
Feb 14, 2014 | Hip Hop, Media Justice
Young Money Record’s Nicki Minaj apologized for using an iconic image of revolutionary human rights leader El-Hajj Malik El-Shabazz (Malcolm X) to promote her new single “Lookin A** N***a”. Hip-Hop activist and 2008 Green Party Vice-Presidential candidate Rosa...
Jul 12, 2013 | Audio, Black Lives Matter, Hip Hop, Media Appearances, Police
[bigbutton url=”http://trggradio.org/trggr-radio-sista-cypha-rap-therapy-july-12-2013/” color=”red”]Click Here to Listen to the Panel on TRGGR Radio[/bigbutton] Broadcasting live every friday from 6-8pm on 91.1fm, TRGGR Radio is a space...
Jul 12, 2013 | Feminism, Media Appearances, Women Of Color
An Interview by Tanisha C. Ford for The Feminist Wire. Rosa Clemente is an Afro-Puerto Rican grassroots community organizer, Hip-Hop activist, independent journalist, and scholar. She is a feminist we love because she boldly continues in the radical activist tradition...
Jun 5, 2013 | Police, War On Drugs, Writing
A new report from the ACLU reveals troubling racial biases and spending in the ‘war on marijuana’. Weed. Ganja. Yerba Buena. Pot. President Barack Obama admits to having smoked it in his younger days like President Bill Clinton before him. While we...
May 3, 2013 | Electoral Politics, Hip Hop, Media Appearances, Video
On July 12, 2008 Rosa Clemente was chosen as the Green Party Vice Presidential candidate to share the ticket with Green Party Presidential candidate Cynthia McKinney.
May 2, 2013 | Media Appearances, Police, Political Prisoners, Video
Assata Shakur was convicted of killing a state trooper 40 years ago, but escaped from prison and has been living in Cuba. On May 2nd, 2013, the FBI placed her on the list of Most Wanted Terrorists and doubled the reward for her capture and return to $2 million....
Apr 13, 2013 | Feminism, Hip Hop, Media Appearances, Video
Watch this video on YouTube From Davey D: “The other day, long time Hip Hop activist and former Vice Presidential candidate for the Green Party Rosa Clemente responded to Rick Ross’s rape lyric with a stinging rebuttal that she posted on youtube.. It was a...