Jul 30, 2014 | Afro-Latinx, Media Appearances, Puerto Rico, Video
Rosa Clemente discusses her awakening to ethnicity and race and how education leads the path to liberation. Published on Atlanta Black Star – video by Dash Harris.
Jul 30, 2014 | Afro-Latinx, Media Appearances, Video
Published on Colorlines by Jamila King In case you missed it, hip-hop scholar and activist Rosa Clemente talked at length about Afro-Latin@ identity last month at Cal State Los Angeles. It’s a perspective that’s worth resurfacing given all the recent hoopla about...
Aug 31, 2012 | Afro-Latinx, Hip Hop, Writing
“We need a very serious and healing discussion on depression for the Hip Hop generation. As one who suffers from depression myself, it breaks my heart to see those lose this very difficult and often lonely battle.” – After hearing of Chris Lighty’s death 8/30/12...
Jan 18, 2010 | Afro-Latinx, Media Appearances, Video
Breaking the Silence: Perpetual War = Perpetual Poverty MLK Day Rally and March Keynote: Rosa Clemente, Green Party 2008 VP Candidate Birmingham, AL 1/18/2010
Jan 26, 2006 | Afro-Latinx, Writing
I was raised in the Catholic Church. From the moment I was placed under this religious institution, I was put in a situation where my savior would never look like me. For me Jesus Christ was a white men with blond hair and blue eyes. Much of my high-school years were...
Mar 30, 2003 | Afro-Latinx, Hip Hop, Media Justice, Writing
Dead Prez blazed into hip hop in 1998 with the politically-charged single, “It’s Bigger Than Hip Hop.” Their Let’s Get Free album spoke about Black self-determination in a way no one else was doing at the time, in hip hop or out. They were signed to Loud Records, but...