All Eyes on Her

All Eyes on Her

The Source sexual harassment trial vindicates Kim Osorio to the tune of $15.5 million. Interview by Rosa Clemente On October 24, Kimberly Osorio, The Source’s editor in chief from 2002 to 2005, won $15.5 million in a workplace lawsuit against the hip-hop...
What Does Jesus Look Like?

What Does Jesus Look Like?

I was raised in the Catholic Church. From the moment I was placed under this religious institution, I was put in a situation where my savior would never look like me. For me Jesus Christ was a white men with blond hair and blue eyes. Much of my high-school years were...
All Eyes on Her

Rockefeller’s Rocky Road

A hip hop activist argues that the proposed revisions to New York’s draconian drug laws don’t come close to constituting meaningful reform. [blockquote]    “We should be ashamed of ourselves. Rockefeller drug reform – ha! – I don’t think...
All Eyes on Her

¿Quién es Negro/a?

Read this article in english. Algo interesante me pasó ayer. Alguien me dijo que no soy Negra. Lo que inició todo fue cuando mi amigo afirmó que la isla de Puerto Rico no es parte de la Diáspora Africana. Quise volver a los días del patio escolar y gritarle: “oye, que...
Who Is Black?

Who Is Black?

Lee este artículo en español. Yesterday, an interesting thing happened to me. I was told I am not Black. The kicker for me was when my friend stated that the island of Puerto Rico was not a part of the African Diaspora. I wanted to go back to the old skool playground...