Speaking Truth To Power
The Power of Storytelling – #WeAllGrow Latina Network
“Why do we always learn about the history of our oppression but never the history of our resistance?”
2018 Keynote Address at the Living The Legacy of Nonviolence Mid-South Peace & Justice Center
“Africans who were enslaved did not vote to get free. They fought to get free. They read to get free. They organized to get free.”
Bringing #MeToo, #TimesUp, and #PRontheMap to the 2018 Golden Globes
Rosa Clemente On Her Experience At The 2018 Golden Globes
50 Years After MLK: A Dream Deferred – WNYC and the Apollo Theater
Exploring the progress that has been made in the half-century since Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s untimely death, we ask: what happens to his dream deferred?
Puerto Rico: Hidden Histories And Stories Of Resistance – Rosa Clemente at Colgate University
“Your job is to stir it up.”
Responding to Trump’s State of the Union Address
What was said was terrible. What wasn’t said was even worse.
Breaking Down Trump’s First State Of The Union
The speech was lengthy, partisan, and predictable.
Chuck Schumer and 32 of his Colleagues are Worse than Trump
The Democrats sold us out and Dreamers’ lives are at stake.
Why We Riot: Institutionalized Inequality, Racism & Oppression
Dr. King once said: “A riot is the language of the unheard.”
Two Months After Maria Hit, Puerto Rico Recovery Slow
Economists are estimating that it could be more than a decade before Puerto Rico recovers from the hurricane damage.
Borough of Manhattan Community College Social Justice Series – Keynote Rosa Clemente The Borough of Manhattan Community College Social Justice Series presents: Keynote Speaker Rosa Clemente Meet Rosa Clemente--organizer, hip hop scholar, journalist, and 2008 Vice-Presidential Candidate (Green Party) for an...
Puerto Rico Disaster Unfolds Out Of Media Spotlight
The President has continued to try to deflect attention away from the post-Hurricane crisis and blame Puerto Ricans for a massive debt that he claims was their own doing.
Three actions you can take to defend Puerto Rico #PRontheMap
Live from San Juan – the ongoing crisis in Puerto Rico that mainstream media refuses to cover.
Trump Abandons Puerto Rico After Hurricane Devastation
Puerto Rico was already on the brink of economic collapse before the storm hit. Compared to the impacts of Hurricanes Harvey and Irma, the damage from Maria has received relatively little media or government attention.
Not in our name: A Puerto Rican White Supremacist in Charlottesville – By Rosa Clemente
Two days ago I noticed a man getting into a van with David Duke, and I saw the Puerto Rican flag folded in his hands.